Vivekanand Vidya Niketan is a Primary with Upper Primary and Secondary and Higher Secondary School in Assandh. It was established in the year 2005 and the school management is Pvt. Unaided. It’s an English Medium – Co-educational school.
Vivekanand Vidya Niketan has it’s own (private) building. The school has a total 85 classrooms. The lowest Class is KG and the highest class in the school is 12. This school has 40 Male Teachers and 67 Female Teachers. There is a library facility available in this school and the total number of books in the library is about 5100.
Principal Name: Mr.Roop Krishan Bhat
Email Id:
Mobile Number: 01749-277368, 8708058486
Manager Name: Mr.Mohinder Sheokand
Email Id:
Mobile Number: 01749-277368, 9050880011